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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Random body parts can provide important health clues

1. CREASED EARLOBES A crease across one of your earlobes is associated with an increased risk of heart disease. So if you've got 'em, your doctor may want to check your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.  (Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.

2. THIN EYEBROWS Sparse brows (not due to overplucking) are a well-documented sign of thyroid problems. "Thyroid hormone keeps hair healthy all over; without it, hair gets thin and brittle  A simple blood test can detect your levels. (Emory University in Atlanta.)

3. BREASTS The bigger your chest, the higher your risk of type 2 diabetes.  "Women who are a D cup or larger at age 20 are almost five times more likely to develop the disease than A cups."These risks hold true even after adjusting for obesity, diet, smoking, and family history." A type of fat in the breast may produce hormones that encourage diabetes, so if you have a large chest, ask your doctor for a fasting blood-glucose test to assess your risk. (Nurses' Health Study, which followed 90,000 women for 20 years.)

4. SHORT "POINTER" FINGERS If your pointer finger is shorter than your ring finger, you may be twice as likely to develop knee osteoarthritis. The bigger the difference, the greater the risk.It's only a concern if the ring finger is obviously longer— so if you can't tell just by looking at your hand, you're likely in the clear. The best way to prevent creaky knees? Maintain a healthy weight: Extra pounds strain joints. (Arthritis Research Institute of America)


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