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Friday, July 6, 2012

Ever feel poor?

When we live in the richest nation on Earth it is easy to compare ourselves to
others and feel like what we have isn't enough. ranks you against the rest of the world according to your annual income.

Even if you make minimum wage at a part time job, if you live in the U.S chances are you're still in the top 15%!

It's a good reminder of how blessed we are.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Ways to share my day with the one I love

Jotting notes of memorable moments and random thoughts throughout the day can be shared in phone calls and makes you notice and cherish the world around you.

For the one I love

If you live to be 100, I want to be 100 minus one day, so I never have to live without you.

First Impressions Really Do Count ~ Job interviewers do make snap judgments based on certain signals.

 A firm handshake during a job interview, a look of confidence and smiling when you meet someone are important.

Did you know interviewers do make snap judgments based on those immediate signals?  In an experiment conducted at the University of Toledo two trained interviewers  interviewed almost 100 volunteers and at the completion of the interview the interviewer filled out a six-page evaluation of the person he had just interviewed.

Next, all that was shown to a series of strangers who rated the applicant based solely on what they saw during that 15 seconds. (This would be the time the applicant knocked on  the door, walked in,  shook the interviewer's hand, sat down and the interviewer welcomed the applicant.).  The reviewers then used the identical six-page evaluation forms that the original job interviewers had. Amazingly, the results were virtually identical.

We all tend to make snap judgments of people we meet and it is only when a person's later actions grossly differ from our initial impression that we change our impression of that person.

Those first 15 seconds do count more than we ever realized. What we do during the first 15 seconds of a job interview will color the impression of the person doing the interview. Of course job skills are important and if you aren't qualified you probably won't get the job no matter how confident you appear.

Project  confidence even if you don't really feel it and observers believe you really are confident. Note: your interviewer is probably a bit nervous. Your confidence can help them feel comfortable and relaxed and that is what they will remember about the time spent with you. (One person noted that the best interviews he had started out as interviews and developed almost into a conversation between friends. Every time that has happened he got offered the job.)

Try using these tips to give yourself the extra edge:
  • Stand straight. Look confident and strong; not hesitant and weak.
  • Look the interviewer in the eye. If you are hesitant about meeting a person's eyes, you look uncomfortable  and will create discomfort in the interviewer. 
  • Smile warmly (even if you have to fake it) so you appear as if you are glad to be there and glad to meet the interviewer. This encourages the interviewer to smile back and their smile will help reinforce your own feeling of friendliness.  
  • Firm handshake. This signals that you are in control of things, know where you are headed and are competent. A weak or hesitant handshake signals otherwise. 
  • Speak clearly and confidently. If your voice is naturally low practice speaking up. 

MAKE A GOOD FIRST IMPRESSION TAKE AWAY POINT: Practice that first 15 seconds by walking straight into the office, give a strong handshake, say how pleased you are to meet the interviewer as you look him/her in the eye and smile warmly.  Once you have that over you can sit down, relax and begin to sell your skills.

P.S. one report shows that women who wear lipstick feel more self-confident and for some reason have better balance, are more stable on their feet and are less likely to stumble.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Dr. Peter Gott on hypothyroidism

Dr. Peter Gott was asked about home remedies for hypothyroidism.
He advised that caffeine, alcohol, tobacco and aspartame can all worsen a thyroid condition.

He suggested one add fresh vegetable juices to your diet three days a week. Alos, with ones doctors permission he suggested using Thyroidinium or Tyrosine 400 (an amino acid supplement) which are available from the health foods store.

He advise that one my want to see a naturopathic physician along with the primary care physician.The two physicians will need to work together to provide the best treatment. (The naturopath can offer natural remedies, while the PCP can provide pharmaceuticals and testing.

Poison Ivy

Dr Gott said "over-the-counter products, gauze pads dipped in alcohol and a host of other things, but found the best thing to be Ivy Wash, which was available at her local independent pharmacy. When I looked at the packaging, I noted it contains natural jojoba and glycerin that may have provided the relief in a more soothing manner.

One home remedy you might also consider is a paste of white vinegar and baking soda applied to affected areas. My recommendation is that you give one of these two suggestions a try before asking your physician for a steroid."

The Centers For Disease Control (CDC) encourages caution when using public swimming pools



Most people don’t think about bacteria in public swimming pools. Each summer, millions of them jump into their neighborhood pools.....And each summer, thousands of them get sick from bacteria in the water.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC):
  • People carry, on average, about 0.14 grams of feces on their bottoms which can contaminate pool water, even without a "fecal accident", presenting a potential health hazard. Two weeks after a person's diarrhea has stopped, he is still contagious and can contaminate the water! 
  • Millions of the cryptosporidium ("crypto") or giardia parasite's chlorine-resistant outer shells can be shed in one accidental burst of loose watery stools which rapidly dissipates in swimming pools and become virtually invisible.
  • Crypto parasites, the leading cause of infectious outbreaks of diarrhea linked to pool water, cause “a profuse, watery diarrhea” that can last up to three weeks in otherwise healthy adults that can lead to conditions like dehydration, coughing, cramps, vomiting and often hospitalization.
  • Cryptosporidiosis is extremely chlorine resistant and can survive for up to 10 days even in a properly chlorinated pool. The CDC warns that it takes about 15,300 minutes or 10.6 days of disinfecting with chlorine for Crypto to be killed off. 
  • Both the CDC and Tulsa Health Department advise that the pool should be closed (cleared!) immediately to allow for the 10.6 days of disinfecting.
E. coli O157: H7 and Shigellosis are also associated with diarrheal outbreaks. Yet, most swimmers are not going to sound the alarm by admitting what they just 'let loose' in the pool.

Health and safety violations force thousands of public pools to close. Closings occur very frequently, as not all pools are well-regulated, according to a report published in Centers for Disease Control’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.  

The incubation period for the most common types of infection is from 1-10 days, thus many people don't make the connection between pool use and their illness.   (It is suggested to mark your calendar every single time you or any family members go in a public pool to see if there is any sickness that happens within 10 days.)

Swimmers should not rely solely on the pool's chemical treatments
  • Chlorine does not kill germs instantly, nor does it kill all of them. Unfortunately, chlorinated, swimming pools can and do still transmit disease. In addition, the unique circulation patterns found in pools may allow poor water circulation in some areas, making it unlikely that all pathogen activity can be fully prevented.  Would it make you feel better when it is reopened to know that the feces particles (which are not readily visible to the naked eye yet remain) have been chlorinated or shocked?  
  • According to the CDC you should not swim in a public pool for two weeks after suffering from diarrhea. Even after the diarrhea has stopped, the bacteria that caused the illness is still present in the body and can’t be destroyed by the chlorine in order to protect others. To keep from infecting others the CDC warns to avoid the swimming pool for two weeks after having diarrhea, yet 24% of people surveyed said they would get in the pool one hour after having diarrhea. 
Remember you can never completely avoid bodily fluid in pools because you share the water —and the germs in it—with everyone else in the pool.
  • Younger children may not "wipe good" after using the toilet, but wiping with toilet tissue does NOT kill anything anyway.
  • People (yes, children and adults!) often use public pools as their bathtub instead of washing their bodies at home. Pools are full of body discharges such as  eye pus from sore or inflamed eyes, parasites, boogers, hair product, ear wax or nose discharge (dripping snot), scabs, puke, urine, fecal matter/ diarrhea remnants, saliva, dead skin, dirty feet, semen, toe jam, sweat, belly button lint, blood, boils, eczema, seborrhea, dandruff, or other acute or obvious skin or body infections, or cuts, persons with colds, etc.
  • Body lotions, suntan creams, dust, pollen, air pollutants,  insects, street and workplace soil, along with rain runoff that brings igerms  from wildlife and pets 'droppings'.

PEE IN THE POOL- a typical sized public swimming pool may contain an average of 20 gallons of urine, while larger pools will contain more.
  • Chlorine binding to urine and sweat is what makes your eyes red after swimming.  
  • Urine in the pool presents a great health hazard by spreading bacteria, such as norovirus, which is highly contagious.
  • Bacteria from urine and feces, along with pool chemicals, get absorbed into swimsuit fabric. This creates a damp, warm place for germs to create a yeast infection or a urinary tract infection (UTI).
Other ways you can get infected:
  • Germs can enter other openings, such as the nose, eyes, sores, pores, etc.  To protect yourself and your children, especially don't go in pools when you have open or recent wounds such as from a surgery or a piercing.
  • Children sometimes spit pool water back into the pool or at their friends. Serious infections can develop and rapidly multiply from ingesting a small amount of water contaminated with feces containing germs that cause diarrheal illness. This is a common method of transmission for the parasites that cause gastrointestinal diseases. Small children are more likely to ingest pool water and everything that comes in it.
A few steps you can take to help lower risk of others getting sick:
  • Shower thoroughly with soap and water before and after swimming and wash your children, especially their rear ends, before they enter a pool.
  • Remove small children from pools for bathroom breaks.
  • Check diapers often. Swim diapers, which were designed simply to keep formed "number two" contained until Mom or Dad can get to the diaper changing station allow urine and diarrhea to go right through into the water.
  • Change diapers in a bathroom, not beside the pool.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water after using a toilet or changing diapers.
A myriad public pools in five states were cited for health violations due to insufficient concentrations of chlorine. Too much chlorine in a pool and chlorine’s harsh effects can severely irritate your eyes and skin.

Dangers associated with chlorine and other chemicals.

Many other Recreational Water Illnesses (RWIs) (skin, ear, eye, respiratory, neurologic, wound, and other infections) are caused by chemicals when the contaminated water is accidentally swallowed, or when chemical mists in the air are breathed.

Although greater toxin absorption occurs through the skin than through breathing , inhaling it alone is sufficient to cause hypersensitivity and "asthma-like" respiratory conditions, especially in children. Children inhale more air per unit of body weight than adults and absorb relatively greater amounts of toxins and therefore, are at greater risk. While swimmers can absorb toxic levels of chlorine products in just one swim session, frequent swimming increases the toxic concentrations and does not allow the toxins to be completely cleared from the body.

Numerous scientific studies report that chlorine is so toxic that it:
  • is linked to a greater incidence of bladder, breast and bowel cancer as well as malignant melanoma, and destroys much of the intestinal flora, which protect the body from harmful pathogens.
  • cause congenital cardiac anomalies, alter DNA and suppress immune function, all which accelerate the aging process. 
  • can corrode metals around the aquatic venue which may explain why it can erode dental enamel and is associated with rashes like eczema.

Commonly cited safety violations include poorly maintained equipment, such as pumps, filters, and chemical feeders, which all create an opportunity for infectious diseases to spread.

The CDC encourages swimmers to do all they can to protect themselves from getting sick when visiting public pools by  using the following quick checklist to identify some of the most common health and safety problems:
  • If the main drain in the bottom of the pool isn't clearly visible, do not get in; the pool may not be regularly maintained or cleaned.
  • If the pool doesn’t even have a life ring or similar safety equipment handy, then it’s a fair indicator it doesn’t closely follow other pool safety regulations.  Ask to see the daily test records if you have some doubts.
  • Use a test strip (available at most superstores or pool-supply stores) to determine if the pH and free chlorine or bromine concentration are correct.
 If you are concerned about what you see, the  CDC recommends reporting it to:
  1. Tulsa Health Department advises to call them at (918) 595-4200.
  2. Oklahoma State Department of Health: Health_ Complaint
Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is another common illness that can result from a day spent at the local pool.

Maybe this explains why so many public pools have closed and why educated parents refuse to allow their kids in public swimming pools.

Simple tricks to get organized

This was in USA WEEKEND Magazine
 about kids but I find it works for me. 

The secret for getting out the door is in what you do during the last 10 minutes before you go to bed," says organizational guru Peter Walsh.  I changed it up a bit for me since I don't have kids yet.

  • Set the table with dry breakfast foods. 
  • Designate a "staging area" for purse, keys, cell phone and other things I plan to take. 
  • Check calendar daily to make sure I have a handle on what is going on.
  • Take bath at night
  • Choose outfit along with underwear and accessories to avoid last-minute clothing wars.

Random body parts can provide important health clues

1. CREASED EARLOBES A crease across one of your earlobes is associated with an increased risk of heart disease. So if you've got 'em, your doctor may want to check your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.  (Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.

2. THIN EYEBROWS Sparse brows (not due to overplucking) are a well-documented sign of thyroid problems. "Thyroid hormone keeps hair healthy all over; without it, hair gets thin and brittle  A simple blood test can detect your levels. (Emory University in Atlanta.)

3. BREASTS The bigger your chest, the higher your risk of type 2 diabetes.  "Women who are a D cup or larger at age 20 are almost five times more likely to develop the disease than A cups."These risks hold true even after adjusting for obesity, diet, smoking, and family history." A type of fat in the breast may produce hormones that encourage diabetes, so if you have a large chest, ask your doctor for a fasting blood-glucose test to assess your risk. (Nurses' Health Study, which followed 90,000 women for 20 years.)

4. SHORT "POINTER" FINGERS If your pointer finger is shorter than your ring finger, you may be twice as likely to develop knee osteoarthritis. The bigger the difference, the greater the risk.It's only a concern if the ring finger is obviously longer— so if you can't tell just by looking at your hand, you're likely in the clear. The best way to prevent creaky knees? Maintain a healthy weight: Extra pounds strain joints. (Arthritis Research Institute of America)


Signs on the streets of Tulsa.

In Tulsa, penalties for putting up illegal signage can include a fine up to $500.00 and a possible jail sentence.   ~ Wed Feb 6, 2008 Tulsa World Southside.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Websites to vent about companies

Vent your frustrations

Don't Forget to Say 'Thank You'


I like Don't forget to say 'thank you' by Harvey Mackay.  It is one I hope my son, who is now in his mid-twenties remembers to do in his career.

The Paradoxical Commandments

The Paradoxical Commandments
by Dr. Kent M. Keith

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.

The Origin of The Paradoxical Commandments

Homemade taco seasoning:

Homemade Taco Seasoning:

6 teaspoons chili powder
4 1/2 teaspoon cumin
2 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
5 teaspoon paprika
3 teaspoon onion powder
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

In a storage container with a tight fitting lid, combine all ingredients. Mix well. seal tightly. Store for up to 6 months.

21 teaspoons = 1/2 cup
7 tespoons of mix = 1.25 oz package of purchased taco seasoning mix
7 teaspoons= 90 MG sodium

***Recycled  parmesan cheese shaker can be used to store this in. It only makes a 1/2 you need a small container..One can triple the recipe. (Did you know those cheese shaker lids will fit other jars?)

Almost Hamburger Helper

'Almost Hamburger Helper' Mix in a Jar.2 cups nonfat dry milk  (make sure it is a good quality)
1 cup corn starch
1/4 cup beef bouillon powder
2 Tablespoons onion flakes
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 teaspoon thyme
1 teaspoon black pepper
2 Tablespoons dried parsley
1 Tablespoon garlic powder

Mix all together and store in airtight jar and use for recipes below.

  (One can buy seasonings at Walgreens when on sale with store cpn. 2/$1)
Chili Mac:
1 lb (or less) ground beef, browned and drained
1 cup water
1/2 cup (or add extra to stretch) macaroni noodles, uncooked
2 cans chopped tomatoes
1 Tablespoon chili powder
1/2 cup Almost Hamburger Helper' Mix in a Jar (recipe above).Combine all and simmer 20 minutes or until macaroni is cooked.
1 lb (or less) ground beef, browned and drained
2 cups water
1/2 cup Almost Hamburger Helper' Mix in a Jar (recipe above).2 cups uncooked egg noodles
1/2 cup sour cream
Combine all except sour cream. Simmer 20 minutes or until noodles are tender. Stir in sour cream and serve.
Potato Beef Casserole:
1 lb (or less) ground beef, browned and drained
3/4 cup water
6 potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced
1 cup frozen mixed veggies
1/2 cup Almost Hamburger Helper' Mix in a Jar (recipe above).Combine all and simmer, covered, until potatoes are tender, about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove cover and cook until excess water is evaporated.

Quick Lasagna:
1 lb (or less) ground beef, browned and drained
1/2 cup Almost Hamburger Helper' Mix in a Jar (recipe above).1 onion, chopped
2 cup water
16 oz tomato sauce
3 cup lasagna noodles, uncooked, broken in bits
1/4 cup parmesan cheese
2 cups mozzarella cheese, shredded
Combine all except mozzarella in large skillet. Bring to a boil, let simmer for 15 minutes or until noodles are cooked. Top will mozzarella. Turn off heat and let cheese melt.


Sunday, July 1, 2012

What store has the item you need?

Check online first to see who has the item you need before you drive there.

Find sales on groceries and much more from looking at the stores Online Sales Circulars.

You may be able to use coupon codes to help bring the cost down.




Friday, June 29, 2012

How much is your car insurance compared to this?

Compare car insurance rates

There are lots of others you can find online to do this same thing. Simply google
compare auto insurance rates 

How to make cooling neck and head bandanas

Here are two sites that show how:

How to make cooling neck and head bandanas - cooling bands

The water absorbing polymer crystals are the type of crystals  added to containers

to help them retain moisture. Theycan be found  at nurseries or gardening centers

such as Home Depot or Lowes or at Walmart in the gardening department with
the plant food.  

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ill or Injured


Crocheted angels  – families and friends of people with severe illnesses can create a special page of information for others to visit and post messages in a guestbook. These pages are kept private unless the page author shares the link.

Meeting the needs of women, children, and families in America

Women Children Family Service Charities of America- Phone: 1-800-626-6481 WCFS is a coalition comprised of many of America’s finest charitable organizations dedicated to meeting the needs of women, children, and families in America and around the world. Our members provide real solutions to real problems, and act as a force for change with law and policy makers.  

SEX OFFENDER Is there one in your neighborhood?

A Pocket Full Of Hope Inc. Dr. Lester Shaw 918-430-1700 1325 E. Apache Tulsa, OK 74106 Mission & Programs
A Pocket Full of Hope, Inc.  a non-profit 501 (C) (3) community based organization in Tulsa, Oklahoma committed to offering youth a sense of belonging, a positive creative outlet, and a safe, fun environment for change. It was founded on the principles of learner centered concepts. We work collaboratively within the community to educate and inform the public regarding issues associated with youth in transition to adulthood. We are dedicated to helping youth move from a negative peer culture to a positive peer culture thus positively influencing their life and our community. We provide a risk-free environment to explore problem resolution and change. In this organization youth are given the opportunity to empower themselves in a non-threatening, participatory and inclusive atmosphere using music, theater and dance.

Crosstown Learning Center, Inc. Kathryn Black, Assistant Director 918-582-1457 2501 East Archer, Tulsa, OK 74110
Mission & Programs- provides nationally accredited childcare and early learning opportunities for 110 children in Tulsa.
Tulsa Area United Way
Sharon Gallagher
1430 S Boulder Ave
Tulsa, OK 74119
Mission & Programs
To improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of our community. Teens’ Way is designed to create community leaders – students who are active in their community and want to see change. The Teens’ Way Program recruits students to work together to address the critical issues facing youth in their community by raising funds and awareness of existing community efforts to address those issues.

Tulsa City-County Library
Amanda Kuhns
400 Civic Center Tulsa, OK 74103
Mission & Programs
The primary information and resource center for the Tulsa, Oklahoma, metropolitan area.  Services range from Internet access and online databases, to adult literacy tutoring and youth reading programs. The Central Library, four regional libraries, 19 branch libraries, and a Genealogy Center in Tulsa County

YMCA of Greater Tulsa
Matt Hancock
5400 South Olympia Ave.
Tulsa, OK
Mission & Programs- to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. The YMCA of greater Tulsa promotes the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of individuals of all religions, races and communities.  We also have established teen centers and programs to bring the technological world to the elderly and children without computer access.

Computer Stuff

Helping Tulsa founder Don Singleton

PC Power refurbishes donated computers and gives them to disabled adults in northeastern Oklahoma. It’s looking for volunteers to help load and unload computers, technicians to assist with refurbishing computers and someone to answer phones and do data entry. Call 493-8052 or e-mail



Crap Cleaner seems fantastic:  One of the few free applications that actually clean your index.dat files. The index.dat file in Windows is huge if left alone, hogging up disc space. When you clear your temp files and temp internet files these still stay, a reminder of EVERY site you have EVER logged on to!!
I read about it on a computer forum and have been using it for months now with now problem. It’s a small download and very easy to use. Be sure to update after you download and check for new updates every so often. It even works on Firefox!
On a tech site they did caution that a lot of these cleaners actually load the spyware onto your computer at the same time it “finds” it, hoping you will buy their great protection. Of course I’d already downloaded about 5 of the darn things before I read that!  I run Norton, and then Spybot and Ad-Aware. One time I did get a virus that had a built in block against Norton and McAfee virus protection (these idiots are getting crafty) Panda’s free scan found it and cleaned it off all in one scan! A lot of businesses use Panda instead of Norton and McAfee. And they don’t put spyware on your computer!

Looking for free computers for low income
Looking for free computers for low income, disabled or unemployed….Anyone know of any? PCPower or call us at (918) 493-8052.

Mailing address:
PC Power, Inc.611 S. Utica, #308
Tulsa, OK 74104

Please note that this is a mailing address, not our physical address.  Please do not bring hardware donations to this location.

Freeware program for computer cleanup

COMPUTER LEARNING- is a website created by Google that offers 50
two-minute videos with step-by-step instructions on everything from using
computer functions to creating a blog. You can e-mail a tech support
“care package” to anyone who could use the training.


Fun for Kids

RECREATION  Tulsa Dream Center recreation facilities and other programs to help those in need in the Tulsa area
200 W 46th St N
Tulsa, OK 74126-6675
(918) 430-9984 















RECIPES for making household cleaners, washing powders, bug killers, degreasers, everything else, baby soaps,termite killers.


Counseling/Mental Health

Associated Centers for Therapy 918-492-2554
M, W, F 8am-5pm; Tu, Th 8am-7pm
Family & Children’s Services Counseling 918-587-9471
M-F 8am-5pm
Indian Health Care Resources Center 918-382-1241
M, T, W 8am-6pm; Th 10am-7pm; F 8am-5pm; 1st W 1-5pm
Mental health Association 918-585-1213
M-F 8:30am-5pm
Parent Child Center 918-599-7999
M-F 8:30am-5pm
Tulsa Center for Behavioral Health 918-293-2100
7 days/week 24 hours/day
USVA Veterans Mental Health Clinic 918-610-2000
M-F 8am-4:30pm
Youth Services of Tulsa 918-582-0061
7 days/week 24 hours/day

Credit Counseling and Death Certificates

  • Christian Credit Counseling Services 918-492-5585 Call for times
  • Credit Counseling Centers of Oklahoma 918-744-5611 M-Th 8am-7pm; F 8am-5pm; Sat 8:30am-12noon
Birth/Death Certificates (Health Dept)    918-594-4840 M-F 8:30am-4pm

50th Anniversary party? 80th birthday?

 There used to be a page under where you could request it. I don't see it anymore but someone put up this site:

some other ideas to make it a really special day:

Request cards from your state governor, their Senator, Congresspersons, and their state reps.  If they live in a large city ask the mayor, too. Ask other "celebrities", such as local anchor people, college coaches or others your loved one might know. Think about who to ask-- Be creative and make it fun!

One place listed these addresses to request greetings from past presidents. I have no idea if they will really send anything:

  • George W Bush, Office of George W Bush, PO Box 259000, Dallas, TX 75225-9000
  • Bill Clinton, 55 W. 125th Street, New York NY 10027

  • George Bush, P.O. Box 79798, Houston, TX 77279

  • Jimmy Carter, Carter Center, 1 Copenhill, 453 Freedom Pkwy. Atlanta, GA 30307
  • Request 6 weeks before the birthdate.

    WHEN SOMEONE IS GOING TO BE 100: Send all the information to Willard Scott, Today, NBC News, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, Room 352, New York, NY 10112. Although Scott has retired, he still returns to wish centenarians a happy birthday. Note that he gets many requests so yours may not be the one chosen. 

    I am also going to have a flag fly over the Capital in his honor on 
    his birthday. They send a 
    certification & he will get the flag about 6 weeks  later.

    Googling "80th birthday ideas" brings up lots of ideas.

Favorites from other websites and blogs

Fab Lab in Tulsa!! (Fab means Fabrication)

Fab Lab Tulsa (MIT Fabrication Laboratory)

Be sure to watch the videos as it will make more sense. The second video made a bit more sense to me than the first

It is a fantastic opportunity for people to see their inventions come to life (and maybe make lots of money from their idea!)

Fab Lab Tulsa is a community center for innovation, entrepreneurship, and technological education. The community workspace providing access to an array of computer-controlled fabrication technology such as 3D Printers and Laser Cutters that can be used to conceptualize, design, develop, and fabricate almost anything that YOU can imagine! Fab Lab was originally developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It has been deployed to over 100 different locations on 5 different continents. Fab Lab Tulsa is the only one in the southern states!!!)

Sounds great for our kids and everyone in the area.

Orientation is free at 11:00 on Saturdays. (If you decide to use it you pay for time using the tools.)

In the Union Boundary (on page 27) is a story about it. GTR News - Union Boundary

Repurpose what we have into something else--the old trash cans we will no longer be using can be for planting potatoes or a composter. Maybe one has an idea to turn an old weedeater into a robot. There you can do anything including making jewelry, learning to use soldering tools, learn silk screening. The possibilities are endless.

Many have a great idea they never did anything with as they didn't know even how to start.

Does Zillow show your square footage too low?


You should. Buyers  look at  to see if they are getting a good deal for the neighborhood.

When your neighbor goes to sell his or her home, the higher the neighboring properties shows the more your neighbor can get. What your neighbor can get has a direct impact on the value of your property and you will be glad when you are ready to sell.


Make sure Zillow has your homes correct square footage when you go here. Many of them are too low* or if you have updated the home  (If the square footage is too low or if you have updated the home then look for the edit button, down below the picture, to correct it.) Remember you can only correct information on property that  you actually own as you leave a digital footprint and it can be "tracked" if anyone tries to do something "cute" to your property information.

*You should be able to get the correct square footage information from an appraisal if your home was refinanced and measured at that time.  

Try to do this on

Scroll down to "Improvements" and look for "liveable" to see what they show for sq feet. (Remember this may or may not be right. If you have had an appraisal when buying or refinancing, the mortgage company most likely had it measured and  this can be more accurate. If there is a discrepancy you can have the city come measure.)

Grocery Store Ads on-line

GROCERY STORE ADS ONLINE. (Hot deals are from

Country Mart Glenpool
CVS    Hot deals at CVS(look for current ad, sneak peeks & brag thread)
Doc's Country Mart 15028 S Memorial Dr, Bixby, OK
Homeland* Double coupons 
Piggly Wiggly    11520 N Garnett Rd, Owasso, or 112 North 17th Street Collinsville

Don't forget: Walmart's website has tens of thousands of products including furniture, electronics, tires, baby gear and exercise equipment - many of which are not regularly available in our stores. Did you know that you can have them shipped free to any Walmart store in the contiguous United States? 

See other sales from store in your area: Click here

Don't miss out on the good coupons!

A positive attitude

"The greatest discovery of this generation is that a human being can alter their life by altering their attitude."

Your attitude not only impacts your happiness and your success, it also can impact the happiness and success of all the people around you...your family, your neighbors,your friends, and your peers at work.

Attitudes truly are contagious, and from time to time we need to ask ourselves..."is mine worth catching?"

There is no way to overstate the importance of a positive attitude in your life.

Save your recipes in an on-line cookbook

There are many places on the internet to discover great recipes. 
KeepRecipes is a special place that allows you to:

  • Bookmark recipes from any website and save them to your KeepRecipes profile.* 
  • Add your own recipes using the recipe composer. 
  • Share your cookbook with the rest of the KeepRecipes community.
*Once you have tried the recipe you can rate it.