PC Power refurbishes donated computers and gives them to disabled adults in northeastern Oklahoma. It’s looking for volunteers to help load and unload computers, technicians to assist with refurbishing computers and someone to answer phones and do data entry. Call 493-8052 or e-mail information@TulsaPCpower.org.
Crap Cleaner seems fantastic: One of the few free applications that actually clean your index.dat files. The index.dat file in Windows is huge if left alone, hogging up disc space. When you clear your temp files and temp internet files these still stay, a reminder of EVERY site you have EVER logged on to!! http://www.ccleaner.com
I read about it on a computer forum and have been using it for months now with now problem. It’s a small download and very easy to use. Be sure to update after you download and check for new updates every so often. It even works on Firefox!
On a tech site they did caution that a lot of these cleaners actually load the spyware onto your computer at the same time it “finds” it, hoping you will buy their great protection. Of course I’d already downloaded about 5 of the darn things before I read that! I run Norton, and then Spybot and Ad-Aware. One time I did get a virus that had a built in block against Norton and McAfee virus protection (these idiots are getting crafty) Panda’s free scan found it and cleaned it off all in one scan! A lot of businesses use Panda instead of Norton and McAfee. And they don’t put spyware on your computer! http://www.pandasoftware.com/activescan/
Looking for free computers for low income
Looking for free computers for low income, disabled or unemployed….Anyone know of any? PCPower Information@TulsaPCpower.org or call us at (918) 493-8052.
Mailing address:
PC Power, Inc.611 S. Utica, #308
Tulsa, OK 74104
Please note that this is a mailing address, not our physical address. Please do not bring hardware donations to this location.
Freeware program for computer cleanup
TeachParentsTech.org is a website created by Google that offers 50
two-minute videos with step-by-step instructions on everything from using
computer functions to creating a blog. You can e-mail a tech support
“care package” to anyone who could use the training.
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